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4 min read
Generosity: The Biblical Call to Give with a Cheerful Heart
In this first episode of our series on generosity, we explore the biblical call to give with a cheerful heart, reflecting God’s grace...

4 min read
Fellowship Part 1: Embracing Vulnerability, Generosity, and Fellowship
In this second episode of our series on hospitality, we dive into the importance of genuine fellowship and the role of vulnerability...

32 min read
Education Part 1: How Education Shapes Our Faith
In this first episode on our series on Education, pastors discuss the importance of biblical education and the responsibility of priests...

26 min read
The Importance of Prayer in a Biblical Community
In this episode on Prayer, Mitchell Buchanan and Brandon Galford discuss the importance of prayer in the Christian community...

22 min read
Forgiveness Part 4 - The Sermon Podcast
In this Podcast, the speakers discuss the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation in maintaining unity within a community of believers.
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